francais - english

Our event: ‘PowerShell Saturday’ is almost here! It will be held in Paris on the 12th of October 2019 from 9:00am.


Thanks to our wonderful sponsors! We extend our sincere appreciation to our sponsors, without whom our event would not be possible.

Sponsors Platinium




Sponsors Gold

Sponsors Silver



Sponsors Bronze

If you’d like to support the event, please see the Sponsor page.


Cellenza - 156 Boulevard Haussmann, 75008 Paris, France Google Maps


Registration is via our event page.

Early Bird Registration (with T-Shirt) closing date: Sunday 22nd of September 2019

Final Registration (without T-Shirt) closing date: Friday 11nd of October 2019

Two tickets types are available to you:

  • Regular ticket 21€
  • Student / Unemployed ticket please read below (Free / Limited)

Note on the Student/Unemployed ticket

Up to now we organized the previous instances of the PowerShell Saturday in Paris for free. However organizing such event comes with a high cost for the organizers.

We wanted to keep this event accessible to everyone, especially for student and unemployed persons. For this reason we kept a few free tickets to cover these scenarios. We won’t check student card or unemployement information. However keep in mind that you are taking away a spot from someone if you don’t meet these conditions :(

We tried to keep the event affordable (21€) so please take the regular ticket if you can afford it :)

Note that the student/unemployed ticket give access to same content as the regular ticket with the exception of the t-shirt (Only regular ticket will get a PowerShell Saturday Paris 2019 t-shirt).


Submit a session

Call for speaker closed

Format: 45 min session + 5 minutes Q/A


  • Cloud (AWS, Azure, GCP)
  • DevOps & SRE
  • Security
  • Advanced PowerShell
  • PowerShell & DevOps

Submit a lightning demo

Call for speaker open : end of September 27, 2019

Format: 10 min max + 2 minutes Q/A

Some slots are still available for lightning demos happening during the lunch time.

Lightning demos are a short session, up to 10 minutes, where you can demonstrate a point or show a technique. It can be a presentation or just the demo. The only rules are, it’s related to PowerShell and it fits the 10 minutes format. You can submit a proposal here

PowerPoint / Content sharing


8:30 - 9:00
Registration and Coffee
9:00 - 9:30
Welcome, Agenda and Keynote
9:30 - 10:20
Room A Room B
Heiko Brenn
How To Make #PowerShell A Real Solution in 5 Steps with @Script_Runner
Bartosz Bielawski
Authoring class based DSC resources – notes from the field
10:30 - 11:20
Chris Gardner
Validating ARM templates with Pester and PowerShell Classes
David Johnson
Bitwise Operators : Going bare-metal with your bytes and booleans
11:30 - 12:20
Créer des interfaces graphiques Metro design pour vos applications
Bartosz Bielawski
Pester against sloppiness: standards enforced.
12:30 - 14:00
Lunch and Lightning Demos

Room A 12h40 - 13h00 : Nicolas Baudin avec Gérer les délégations de droit ADDS avec PowerShell

Room A 13h00 - 13h20 : Jêrome Bezet-Torres avec FreeNas powershell module

Room A 13h20 - 13h40 : Kevin Bates avec PSAtlas, an interactive Powershell learning framework

14:00 - 14:50
Room A Room B
Damien Van Robaeys @Metsysgroup</br> Piloter Intune avec PowerShell Amanda Debler
Docker for Windows Admins
15:00 - 15:50
Benoit Sautière
Manage Azure at large scale with Powershell : Notes from the Field
Daniel Krebs
Chef Habitat & PowerShell: Build and deploy and manage all applications the same way
16:00 - 16:50
Amanda Debler
Kubernetes for Windows Admins
Arnaud Petitjean
Scraper le Web sans utiliser de Regex
Closing Keynote
Evening Drinks Event & Power Beer

Recording of the sessions

In order to be able to later view the presentations and to share the content with people who can’t attend, this year we will try to record each session. These will later be published on our Youtube channel. Please note that we can not guarantee that the recordings will take place.